Our Vision

Floating Bridge Press publishes Washington State poets whose writing engages individuals, enriches communities, and enlivens the arts.

Our Mission

Floating Bridge Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary arts organization, founded in 1994. Floating Bridge Press promotes the diverse voices of Washington State poets through an annual poetry chapbook competition, archival-quality books, online publishing, broadsides, and community readings.

Our Core Values

We believe that…

Poets are leaders and poetry enriches the community;
Diverse voices enrich poetry;
Poetry deserves the highest editorial attention;
Poetry deserves promotion and increased attention in our community.


Behind the Scenes

We are a volunteer-run, community-supported arts organization; contributions are welcome and tax-deductible.  Floating Bridge Press is supported in part by grants from 4Culture, the City of Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, Allied Arts Foundation, and the Washington State Arts Commission.

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Our Books

Our books can be found in our online shop and at independent bookstores such as Open Books, Elliott Bay Book Company, University Bookstore, Third Place Books Ravenna, Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, Third Place Books Seward Park, and Wessel and Lieberman Booksellers. You can also simply write us at editor@floatingbridgepress.org to order a book.

Our Editorial Process

All submissions are made completely anonymously (no identifying information or cover letter) by Submittable and assigned to all editors. Each editor reads all the submissions and then nominates five to six manuscripts for further consideration. We generally advance those manuscripts that more than one editor nominates, but we discuss each nominated manuscript before agreeing on a list of semifinalists.

We then discuss each semifinalist before ranking them by silent vote. We review the results, advance manuscripts that receive the most votes, and continue this process until the winner and finalists are selected. Each editor also selects individual poems for online publication, an approach that ensures that we publish a diverse group of poets each year.

Our Editors

Meet our editors here.